Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Vitamin B17

Hi All,
As I have stated before, I have been researching health issues and in particular Cancer. This led me to a little known area as Vitamin B17or known as Laetrile.

I have read a number of books and also listened to reports on Youtube.
Here are some that I suggest you watch.


A review from G E Griffin's book "A World Without Cancer" is as follows...
Mr. Griffin marshals the evidence that cancer is a deficiency disease—like scurvy or pellagra—aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in modern man’s diet. That substance is vitamin B17. In its purified form developed for cancer therapy, it is known as Laetrile. This story is not approved by orthodox medicine. The FDA, the AMA, and The American Cancer Society have labeled it fraud and quackery. Yet the evidence is clear that here, at last, is the final answer to the cancer riddle. Why has orthodox medicine waged war against this non drug approach? The author contends that the answer is to be found, not in science, but in politics—and is based upon the hidden economic and power agenda of those who dominate the medical establishment. This is is the most complete and authoritative treatise available on this topic. 368-page book.
If you wish to get a copy of this book go to.... www.hiranks.com

This last one is some testimonials
and more......


talk soon

Quantum Reading


You have probably all heard of 'speed reading' whereby you read a book but learning to skip the small words etc and get through the passage and understand what is written much more quickly. Well last week I was introduced to a method known as "quantum reading". This was demonstrated by a lady by the name of Ioho de Beer.She conducts classes over a full weekend teaching students how to read a full sized book of 200 plus pages in an hour.
I was sceptical of the ability to do this until I had a chance to talk to a past student who said he felt the same as what I was feeling, until half way thru the weekend the penny dropped.
During the evening presentation we were given an exercise to perform that showed us the power of the mind.We were given a dictionary where words were on both sides of the page,ie in two columns and we were instructed to turn the pages at a 'one after the other rate', (know what I mean?) and after 60 seconds we were instructed to stop and note where we were ( my last page was F for foreign....), Close the book and now chose a word between A and F. I chose BACK. Now we were asked to picture where on the page would you find that word. Mine was to be found at the top left, on the right hand page. Now open the book to find the word. Yes! it was exactly where we had pictured our word to be and yet we could not have known this as the speed at which we had turned the pages was too fast. This demonstrated that we do not need to see the words to read.
Anyway my wife and I are booked in to do the course as we both felt that we could achieve a great deal from this reading method.
If you are interested in knowing more about this here is the details...
The Quantum Reading Institute
174 Garden St. Nth Narrabean NSW 2101
Ph 02 99448887

David Waden ...You need to mention that you attended .Success&You to get the discounted price.

So we are going to do this here in Brisbane in Feb 2010 and they will teach us to read 12 books in a day. I will write an article here about that after I have attended the course.

While I am in a writing mood I will continue in the next post about another subject.

Talk soon.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Quote of the week.


A well known person, Eleanor Roosevelt, once said....

" We gain strength,and courage and confidence by each experience in which we really stop fear in the face....we must do that which we think we cannot".

We must do that which we think we cannot.
That's just beautiful!!

Talk soon.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hi All,
Recently I read a book written by a Japanese/American Doctor by the name of Hiromi Shinya, titled "The Enzyme Factor", How to live long and never be sick. It is an amazing book and an amazing concept. He is 73 years old and says that he has not been sick since he was 19.
After reading his book we have decided that we would follow his guidelines for better health. It is not difficult to change a few things in the way you live and eat to live a healthier life.
If I can quote a paragraph from the book that somewhat sums it all up....
The human body consists of a very intricate system, delicately balanced. That system also functions inside each of the apptoximately 60 million cells that make up the human body. If you are serious about your health , think about your body starting at the cellular level.
Our cells are always being replaced by new cells. Cells in some areas of the body are completely replaced by new ones in several days, while in other areas the process can take as long as several years. Eventually, they all get replaced. These new cells are made from the water and food that we consume on a daily basis. Based on this, we can say that the quality of food and water we consume determines our health.

This is the reason why we have taken the steps to improve our health. We have taken the following from our every day food..... things like all dairy products, meat, tea and coffee and added such things as fresh fruit and vegetables and lots of clean water.

If you wish to know more about our healthy lifestyle just call me and I will give some added details.

Talk soon
Frank W

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My web sites

Hi all,
Over the last weeks I have been very busy posting info on my websites.
These sites are designed to generate a good cash flow for us and I will show yo u some of these. We have a total of 46 so far and am building more as time goes on.
Check some out here.
and many more.

I look forward to some of your comments.

talk soon

Skin Care

There are some types of pollution you just cannot avoid if you live and work in the city, drive on a freeway, and work in a closed central airconditioned building. There are some forms of internal and external pollution that can and should be avoided if you want your skin to stay young. Such things as drug use, cigarette smoke alcohol abuse, stress inadequate diet, various forms of environmental toxins, and certain medications like antibiotics are all affecting the aging of your skin.
Cigarette smokers develop severe premature wrinkling, crepeyness and bags and dark circles under the eyes. Smoking is second only to sunlight as an aging factor. It depletes the body of vitamins A E C and B and minerals calcium, potassium and zinc. One cigarette uses up to 25 milligrams of vitamin C. Read my article on "quit smoking" to find an easy way to give up the habit.
Alcohol abuse affects the function of the body in many ways especially the liver. When the liver is not functioning adequately it shows up as a reddening on the face and a sallow dead appearance,and is caused by the dilation of the blood vessels. The nose and cheeks become enlarged.
If you have an inadequate diet or you indulge in crash dieting you will have vitamin deficient skin. Some diets can cause serious harm to the skin as they are nutrient deprived. Some diets consist only of fruits, lack protein and fats. The skin can become dehydrated, flaky or sallow and can cause serious health problems.
Every week in the fashion magazines there is a new breakthrough in skin care. Major cosmetic companies quote from the heads of research and development their new lines of products that revolutionize your skin care. They are promoting cosmetics that have added oxygen, vitamins or provitamins and all kinds of fruits added. We could go on with all the 'new' information and additives that are being added to face creams and pay huge amounts of money to obtain the latest night cream that will oxygenerate the skin, but there is no end to the sales pitch. The best of all is simply a good exercise program and get a massage.
As new skin care products making claims as anti-aging potions are marketed, you the consumer, must be aware of what these products can and cannot do. The cosmetic industry is a self-regulating industry and as such there is no standards of quality or efficacy set for cosmetics. The FDA regulates the drug industry but can only warn major cosmetic firms regarding the use of advertising terms used in their sales literature.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Your skin.

Our skin covers an area of about 21 square feet and weighs about 9 pounds.
It is not only a wrapping, but performs many duties vital to the body. It protects against bacteria, regulates temperature, absorbs oxygen required for new cells, blood and plasma.It also gives us a sense of touch through nerve endings, releases toxins 24/7 through sweat glands, and produces the body's natural moisture - selium. We cannot do without the skin.

It will, to a point, take care of itself. We do, however, abuse and neglect it. We generally don't start to care for it until it gives us trouble. During our teens and twenties, we take our skin for granted, it is often cut, burnt,scraped and will efficiently heal itself.

Then after 30, the signs of aging begin to appear. Fine lines appear around the eyes and then becomes drier and rough. Skin cancers show up at a rate of one out of every three persons. Neglect and abuse shows up as we approach midlife.

All this could have been avoided if we had only started to care for it during our childhood. You may not be able to reverse this process but you can ease the damage naturally and without surgery. You will however have to change some things from the inside such as proper nutrition, supplemental vitamins and exercise. From the outside you will need to change most of the cosmetics that you are presently using.

In my next post, I will go into more detail and how I overcame an acute problem with acne, and how I was able to rid myself of this ugly problem using natural methods. I will also cover subjects like skin cancer and repairing skin damage.

So to keep these posts short I must ask you to follow me on this subject in my next posting.

Thank you
Talk soon

A short message

Hi All,
Recently, my wife and I, attended a short meditation with a home group.
A quote from that session made me think and I hope it makes you think.

"What will you do when you know you cannot fail?"

I'm not going to answer that for you, as you know the answer already.

Talk soon,

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Eat less meat

I have no intention of becoming a vegetarian, however my wife and I have been researching our health now for some years and we are changing the way we eat. As you are probably aware "it is what we eat that determines our health and our ability to ward off disease" With this in mind we would not put used dirty oil in our brand new car for it' 10,000klm service , so why feed our body junk.
In the last few years I have put on a gradual amount of weight. Don't get me wrong..I'm not obese and Jennifer loves me being cuddly...but I do know that I need to trim it a little. I have gone from an active job working 8-10 hours a day to sitting behind a desk and computer. So this has not helped my 'spread' We walk daily for at least 40 minutes, but still I need to control my weight.

The answer has to be in what we eat.
My research tells me that I must consume more plant-based foods and fewer meat- based ones.But I love my meat! My typical day would be a cereal with milk for breakfast, sweat biscuits or cake for mid-morning, a good hearty lunch, usually deep fried, from a snack bar.During the course of the day I would drink a large amount of flavoured milk with probably a scary amount of sugar added. The evening meal was based around 2 or 3 vegetables with a good sized portion of meat like steak or chicken. Rarely would I have fish. And to top this all off....3 glasses of good red wine.

Whilst looking at my diet and health in general I have discovered some facts that I would like to share with you here.
  • There are 10 animals raised for food every year for each person on this planet. That's 60 billion.
  • By 2050that consumption will increase to 120 billion.
  • To grow grain for food, you expend 9.2kj of energy to yield only 4.2kj of protein. however if you process that grain for animal feed, and add to that the animal's other requirements- land use, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, machinery, transport, antibiotics and last but not least water- you're responsible for 167kj of energy to get that same 4.2kj of protein.
Make you think, Doesn't it.
We are going around this in reverse.

But back to my change in eating habits.
Meat is not a part of our evening meal anymore.
I have seen an improvement in my health because of it and I am losing weight.
We are eating more plant-based foods and loving it.
We may eat meat at our weekly restaurant outing but that's all, So we are not strict-vegetarian.

I trust this has given you something to think about.

Till next time
Talk soon


Colds and Sore Throats


Recently I visited a friend who informed me that she had a cold and a sore throat.She was sucking on a medicated throat lozenger and before too long she took another one from her pocket. This spiked my interest and I suggested an alternative. She did not recall of my 'interest' in alternative health but I have mentioned to her in the past that we (my wife and I) were researching alternative health and taking a more active role in our health care.

I gave here my health tip for sore throats and colds.
You are probably wondering what it is ....aren't you?
Well it is quite simple really. Some of you will have it in your kitchen however If not I suggest you get some of this magic formula next time you are grocery shopping.

It is .....yes wait for it......coarse grains of sea salt.
You simply suck on a small quantity of the grains 3 or so times in a day, till all signs of the sore throat or cold have disappeared. Simple hey! Don't swallow the grains, suck on them till these dissolve.
And if you get leg cramps ...Do the same.

Stay away from medications as they have a detrimental effect on our overall health.

In future articles I will talk about other health issues.
I look forward to your comments.

Talk soon

Monday, June 29, 2009

Mind, Body and Spirit

Hi All,

How often have you heard someone say "If only I knew this when I was younger"?
I am excited because as I am approaching my 60th birthday, I have more energy, intelligence, health and all the accumulated knowledge of the past 50 plus years.
Think of all the things you have learnt in your lifetime, and can you imagine learning just as much again in the next 20-40years?

I believe learning has everything to do with staying young in mind body and spirit.Once we become stagnant or inactive, we begin the decline commonly known as 'old age' or 'aging'. You often retirees saying "I have never been busier or busier in my life than now" Their life now is not regimented to working 9 to 5 and they take on a new life of learning. They often write books, operate websites,teach classes, travel and are models for successful living.

These are the things you can adapt into your life, they art easy and simple.
I will talk about these things in my future posts and I will be incorporating them into my website where I will show you how to stay young in mind, body and spirit.

Talk soon

Monday, June 22, 2009


I was reading something that I think is of value to you, I know it was value for me.

In every project I have done, I realise that failure is part of winning and sometimes when we fail we look down on ourselves.
The author said that it is easy to lose faith because other people may withdraw their support or criticise your efforts and this can tempt you to turn on yourself and your efforts to succeed. This is the critical point in the process- Don't give up - failure belongs here.
See the people who don't fail aren't trying anything. So if you fail don't feel bad, If someone criticises you, just reject it - they don't know what you know and where you are going, and do you know something....You don't need them to get there! You need your own faith in yourself.
Re-evaluate your goal and say to yourself....I'm going to get there... And don't let the fact that you have failed get in your way.
I have failed many times and I am still going forward in leaps and bounds....

Talk soon

We have infinite potential

Hi all,

You know something.... We have infinite potential. No one can measure what you and I can do. We have intellect and we live in a physical body. We are also spiritual. But lets talk about the first two.

Between the intellect and the physical there is the emotions.
What is in control or who is in control of your emotions? Is your intellect controlling your emotions OR is the outside world controlling them? Good Question!

You see.... If your intellect is not in control of your emotions and the outside world is in control you are not in control of yourself, your'e not in control of the results you are getting and this is the way most people live. Not being in control!!

We have to wake up and say " I am in control of my emotions and I am going to take control of my world and take control of results that I want to achieve".

I want you to ask yourself.....
Am I in control of my emotions or is the TV?
Am I in control of my emotions or is the NEWSPAPER?
Am I in control of my economy or is the MEDIA getting to me?

We have to ask ourselves those questions.
Ask " who is incontrol of ME?

Talk soon
Frank W.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Your Right to be Rich.

Success in life is becomming what you want to be. And you can become what you want to be by making use of things. You can have the free use of things only if you become rich enough to buy them. Therefore an understanding of the laws of the universe and the science of getting rich is the essential of all knowledge.

You know that I am right and unfortunately this is a subject that is not taught in schools. We are not taught how to earn money. We are not taught how to be rich. Why is that? And infact most people become offencive when you talk about it. Why do people do that? Probably because they don't realy understand it.

You know most people just say they want to do good, well without money how can you do good? you can give of your time, but if you could become rich you can do so much more.
If you contact me I will send you a copy of a book titled ' Think and Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill free of charge (just pay the postage or pass it on) and you will learn how to become rich.

I saw a program on television some time ago about a young lady from country New South Wales who went to Africa and fell in love. She fell in love with the people and she has done GOOD. She has built a school for over 850 poor children. ( its probably 1000 now) Her name is Gemma Sisia. Her school is called 'School of St Jude' in Tanzania in East Africa. She is doing good but she needs money to follow through with her good work.

Her motto is ....Fighting Poverty Through Education.....
Check out her story at.... www.abc.net.au/austory/content/2005/s1435647.htm

I would like you to spend the next 4 or 5 minutes thinking about how you can become rich and do good!

Talk soon

Friday, June 12, 2009

A Lone Pine

Recently I read an article in the local paper that disturbed me.
An RSL club had planted a tree grown from a seed gathered from 'The Lone Pine' and the tree was doing quite well reaching for the sky. It was about 3 metres tall.
Then some low life of a person thought it fun to cut it down at the ground. What made this person do that we will probably never understand.
However this does have a twist to it.

A school heard of the disappointment of the club members and they had also been caring for a tree from the same rootstock and decided to donate their tree to replace the RSL's loss. This showed the comunity the spirit these children have to the rememberance of the ANZACs. It brought tears to my eyes to read of the generosity of those young people understanding the loss of RSL club members.

I salute them.

Talk soon

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

World fear

Recently we had dinner with friends at a pleasant club.
The discussion at the table came around to a question from one person, (we will call him Bob)
"...Jennifer, in your profession you would come across a number of unhealthy people who could give you the flu, Does that scare you?'
This then led to the subject at the height of the news at the moment about the 'swine flu'.
What is the swine flu?.... What is the Bird flu?... What is the Hong Kong flu?......What is the common flu? I must ask you a question here.........Is there any difference? Oh yes there is probably some difference between the different types but we seem to have the same thing happen each year, A different strain of flu that the authorities warn us to take extra care, cover our mouths with a mask, don't do this or that etc.
My personal feeling on the subject is......
Each year the authorities come out with a new 'fear' that we need to be concerned about and take certain precautions about like ....Go to your Doctor, Get the vacine, and generally be fearful of .......
Just think back to other fears that the media has talked us up to:
the y2k bug.
Oil crisis.
Rat plaque.
Hong Kong flu.
Bird flu.
Swine flu.
Makes you think doesn't it?
What other fears has the media and authorities instilled into our minds over the years.

Point to remember...........People die each year by the hundreds of the COMMON flu!
Is this time any different?

To answer my friend at the club, my wife stated some of the above facts and all he could say was.......mmmmmmm!!
I replied by saying "you drive your car on the roads every day without realy thinking that you could be one of the hundreds of people killed each year from car accidents....are you going to change things because of the 'fear' of driving?


Talk Soon

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Is Your Water Clean?

If you were to test the water you drink every day, you will find that it contains many contaminants.The reason why it is not contaminant free is that the authorities use chemicals added to the filtered water to kill the germs. This water is stored in areas where run off of all kinds of substances are collected in the water. Besides, we only drink a very small amount in proportion to the total water used in our household. So pure drinking water is not a big issue ...or is it?

Is bottled water the answer?
Bottled water sales are booming, with hundreds of companies producing numerous brands. Most people believe the FDA carefully regulates this industry because it sells the most important nutrient in the body. Well think again, beyond simple hygiene, the bottled water industry is almost entirely self-regulated.
'Mineral Waters' may have a small quantity of minerals added. 'Sparkling Mineral Waters' are aerated. And brands labelled Spring Water, legally have to be from a spring and where that water originated from.Springs contain all kinds of organic matter and often some very toxic heavy metals.

Bottled distilled waters are the only clean bottled source. Virtually everything is removed from the water by steam distillation. Tests show that these contain 2-12 ppm (parts per million) contaminants, whereas the typical faucet water is at 350-1000 ppm. Whenever you drink your bottled water, these contaminates build up into every cell of your body.

There are systems available at supermarkets and electrical stores that 'filter'water. Don't waste your money. These filters only remove large particles which are above 5 microns in diameter. The molecules of most chemicals, pesticides and toxic metals are much smaller than that, and pass through the filter as if it wasn't there.

So if you want to drink pure, clean water contact me and I can give you a source of where to obtain the best water available.

Talk soon

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What are RDAs?

When it comes to your health and nutrition, what are RDAs you may ask.
RDAs stand for 'Recommended Dietary Allowances'. You will see these mentioned on labels of food packaging as a % of RDA.

The RDA handbook states:
RDA are recommemdations for the average daily amounts of nutrients that population groups should consume over a period of time.
If you RDAs to plan your nutrition you will never, never reach your optimum health.
The RDAs are a minium daily requirement and not an optimim requirement.

My message today is: No high performance machine can operate at optimum with dirty lubricants. So do you want your body to be a "high performance machine?' Well you need to give it 'quality lubricants' and this means fresh fruit and vegetables and unprocessed foods.

Talk soon

Monday, May 25, 2009

Bob Proctor

Hi All,
You know, Every morning when I start work on my computer, I log on to a webmail that I get from Bob Proctor.
He has called it "Six Minutes to Success"
It has for some time inspired me to do so much more in both my life and my business.

In fact if I don't watch his six minutes my day is missing something.
If you want more out of your life and work then perhaps you should log onto bob's Six Minutes each day.
You can get it here....

Talk soon


Hi all,
Last night I was invited to a presentation that realy 'touched my heart'
I didn't know much about the speaker or his subject prior to attending and I was pleasantly surprised.
Paul Dunn, the wizard of WOW, is leading a charge in a brand new marketing revolution where companies don't just dramatically lift performance; they make a difference to the world in which we live. Through the power of what Paul calls 'transaction-based giving, companies create so much more buzz! And they get customers and the media talking about them in astounding ways.Paul is one of the founders of Buy1Give1, the home of the most impactful giving process in the world.
I encourage any small (or large) business to look at his program and incorporate it in their business. I most definately will.
So go and look at the website and find out more.

talk soon

Friday, May 22, 2009

What Does 'Organic' Mean?

Organic food is cultivated and grown without artificial pesticides, herbicides, fertilisers and chemicals. Those people eating organic food say it simply tastes better and is a no-brainer if you want to optimise your health.
Why should I go organic?
  • The taste is realy great, and it is cheaper than you think. The supermarkets are now selling organic due to public demand.
  • If the pesticides are removed from the growing process the food must be healthier.Some pesticides are residual and never breakdown. Animals fed on grains containing antibiotics and growth hormones can interfere with your natural body system and create imbalance.
  • Free range livestock aren't penned and subsequently don't require injection of drugs to prevent disease. Grazing land isn't treated with artificial pesticides and fertilizers.
My recommendations....
  1. Eat seasonally produced foods.
  2. Eat a balance of a wide range of foods.
  3. Focus on the quality of the food.
  4. Make small but permanent changes to your menu.
  5. Develop a green thumb and create your own organic food. You will save money.
Talk soon
Frank W

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"Healthfood" The latest fad.

I do the grocery shopping in our household and I spend time checking labels as to the ingredients contained in the product.

It is amazing to see the packaging contain claims like "97%fat free", "no added sugar",
"low in salt", "highin calcium", Etc. etc.There is scarcely a food item on the supermarket shelves that doesn't have some sort of health claim.

There is an increasing number of people choosing foods that claim a specific health benefit. Organic food sales have increased by 40% in the past five years. Gluten free products are being demanded by a 10 - 20% increase a year. This is dispite the fact that about only 1 % of people have an intolerance to gluten.

Manufacturers have seen this trend and " health" has become a huge selling point and they claim their product has some sort of health bebefit even if they're not good for you.
A claim like "97% fat free" could have a very high refined carbhydrate content which may increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
My point here is that you need to be aware of manufacturers' claims are there to sell their product.

One of the items I found in the health food section was a yoghurt- coated almond & apricot health bar containing more fat than a McDonald's cheeseburger. You would imagine that an almond & apricot bar would be healthy.

You just cannot assume all items in the healthfood isles are better for you.
Stepping out of the supermarket and shopping malls to visit the ' farmer's markets' to purchase organic fresh foods can present it's own minefield. Many of the stall holders are weekday shop owners purchasing their produce from the same wholesalers and then selling under the umbrella of 'farmer's markets', and are not in any way shape or form, involved in growing the food themselves.

I can recall one supermarket chain claiming their produce was picked one day, transported the next, and on their shelf the third day. If you believe this then You are in for a shock.
The facts are that most produce harvested today will be stored in refridgeration for many weeks or months before you see it on the shelf.

Talk soon

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Stop Smoking

Hi all,

I would like to mention now how I was able to give up smoking so easily.

If you were(or still are) a smoker then you you will understand how difficult it is to give it up.
I had been smoking since I was 16 years old and some 30 odd years of inhaling the poisons into my system was going to be a tuff ask.
See when you smoke, your body does not absorb the vitamins and minerals that are in the food that you eat and so understanding this you need to get yourself 'pumped-up' on what the body is lacking. At this point I was intruduced to a daily dose of vitamins and minerals of the best quality available. Jennifer ( my wife) had said to me ..."I'm not going to spend this money on these vitamins if you are going to continue to poison yourself with smoking"
As I was determined to give it up (and have a happy wife) then I had to live by her rules (for once). At the same time I went to the Pharmacy and purchased the Nicotine patches.I wasn't asked about what strength I wanted and off I went home and that night put on the first patch.
Within 2 hopurs I had a raging temperature and couldn't settle to sleep. I ripped off the patch and next morning I realised that the patch was putting into my body similar quantities of nicotine as if I had been smoking all night.
That convinced me..........No more smoking!!
From that day forward I did not experience ANY withdrawal symptoms at all!!
This amazed both me and Jennifer.

To this day I am forever greatful for my friend Charles, encouraging me to become involved with a Health & Wellness company.
And If you are wanting to give up the habit take a lesson from my story.

Talk soon
Frank W

Sunday, May 17, 2009

My Health Journey

Hi all,
I am a 59 year old , ex-Vietnam veteran, living in sunny Queensland Australia.
I am married to a lovely lady, Jennifer. We have been maried for 35 years.We have three beautiful children. Kevin, AmmaMarie and Andrew.
I work with Kevin on the internet.
AnnaMarie lives in Melbourne, some 2000 klms away. She is married and is expecting her first child due around Christmas. This will be our first grandchild.
Andrew is living at home and works on a turf farm. He loves it.
My wife Jennifer is a nurse and works in pathology.

Our Health journey started some eight years ago when I was intruduced to a Health and Wellness company launching into Australia.I was a smoker and very unhealthy at the time and so we changed the way we were living from that day.

At this point I need to 'fast forward' to present day.
We have over the last few years been researching Health related subjects and I am in the process of writting an information product on Health and Wellness.
It will cover a range of subjects covering the 'degenerative diseases' and their affects. It will give you information on the cause, prevention and ultimately remedy to help people overcome them.

I tust you will follow me in this blog as I research further and tell you about our findings.

Talk soon

Frank W