Friday, June 12, 2009

A Lone Pine

Recently I read an article in the local paper that disturbed me.
An RSL club had planted a tree grown from a seed gathered from 'The Lone Pine' and the tree was doing quite well reaching for the sky. It was about 3 metres tall.
Then some low life of a person thought it fun to cut it down at the ground. What made this person do that we will probably never understand.
However this does have a twist to it.

A school heard of the disappointment of the club members and they had also been caring for a tree from the same rootstock and decided to donate their tree to replace the RSL's loss. This showed the comunity the spirit these children have to the rememberance of the ANZACs. It brought tears to my eyes to read of the generosity of those young people understanding the loss of RSL club members.

I salute them.

Talk soon

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