Monday, June 29, 2009

Mind, Body and Spirit

Hi All,

How often have you heard someone say "If only I knew this when I was younger"?
I am excited because as I am approaching my 60th birthday, I have more energy, intelligence, health and all the accumulated knowledge of the past 50 plus years.
Think of all the things you have learnt in your lifetime, and can you imagine learning just as much again in the next 20-40years?

I believe learning has everything to do with staying young in mind body and spirit.Once we become stagnant or inactive, we begin the decline commonly known as 'old age' or 'aging'. You often retirees saying "I have never been busier or busier in my life than now" Their life now is not regimented to working 9 to 5 and they take on a new life of learning. They often write books, operate websites,teach classes, travel and are models for successful living.

These are the things you can adapt into your life, they art easy and simple.
I will talk about these things in my future posts and I will be incorporating them into my website where I will show you how to stay young in mind, body and spirit.

Talk soon

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