Monday, June 22, 2009


I was reading something that I think is of value to you, I know it was value for me.

In every project I have done, I realise that failure is part of winning and sometimes when we fail we look down on ourselves.
The author said that it is easy to lose faith because other people may withdraw their support or criticise your efforts and this can tempt you to turn on yourself and your efforts to succeed. This is the critical point in the process- Don't give up - failure belongs here.
See the people who don't fail aren't trying anything. So if you fail don't feel bad, If someone criticises you, just reject it - they don't know what you know and where you are going, and do you know something....You don't need them to get there! You need your own faith in yourself.
Re-evaluate your goal and say to yourself....I'm going to get there... And don't let the fact that you have failed get in your way.
I have failed many times and I am still going forward in leaps and bounds....

Talk soon

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