Saturday, June 13, 2009

Your Right to be Rich.

Success in life is becomming what you want to be. And you can become what you want to be by making use of things. You can have the free use of things only if you become rich enough to buy them. Therefore an understanding of the laws of the universe and the science of getting rich is the essential of all knowledge.

You know that I am right and unfortunately this is a subject that is not taught in schools. We are not taught how to earn money. We are not taught how to be rich. Why is that? And infact most people become offencive when you talk about it. Why do people do that? Probably because they don't realy understand it.

You know most people just say they want to do good, well without money how can you do good? you can give of your time, but if you could become rich you can do so much more.
If you contact me I will send you a copy of a book titled ' Think and Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill free of charge (just pay the postage or pass it on) and you will learn how to become rich.

I saw a program on television some time ago about a young lady from country New South Wales who went to Africa and fell in love. She fell in love with the people and she has done GOOD. She has built a school for over 850 poor children. ( its probably 1000 now) Her name is Gemma Sisia. Her school is called 'School of St Jude' in Tanzania in East Africa. She is doing good but she needs money to follow through with her good work.

Her motto is ....Fighting Poverty Through Education.....
Check out her story at....

I would like you to spend the next 4 or 5 minutes thinking about how you can become rich and do good!

Talk soon

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