Monday, June 22, 2009

We have infinite potential

Hi all,

You know something.... We have infinite potential. No one can measure what you and I can do. We have intellect and we live in a physical body. We are also spiritual. But lets talk about the first two.

Between the intellect and the physical there is the emotions.
What is in control or who is in control of your emotions? Is your intellect controlling your emotions OR is the outside world controlling them? Good Question!

You see.... If your intellect is not in control of your emotions and the outside world is in control you are not in control of yourself, your'e not in control of the results you are getting and this is the way most people live. Not being in control!!

We have to wake up and say " I am in control of my emotions and I am going to take control of my world and take control of results that I want to achieve".

I want you to ask yourself.....
Am I in control of my emotions or is the TV?
Am I in control of my emotions or is the NEWSPAPER?
Am I in control of my economy or is the MEDIA getting to me?

We have to ask ourselves those questions.
Ask " who is incontrol of ME?

Talk soon
Frank W.

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