Friday, July 24, 2009

Your skin.

Our skin covers an area of about 21 square feet and weighs about 9 pounds.
It is not only a wrapping, but performs many duties vital to the body. It protects against bacteria, regulates temperature, absorbs oxygen required for new cells, blood and plasma.It also gives us a sense of touch through nerve endings, releases toxins 24/7 through sweat glands, and produces the body's natural moisture - selium. We cannot do without the skin.

It will, to a point, take care of itself. We do, however, abuse and neglect it. We generally don't start to care for it until it gives us trouble. During our teens and twenties, we take our skin for granted, it is often cut, burnt,scraped and will efficiently heal itself.

Then after 30, the signs of aging begin to appear. Fine lines appear around the eyes and then becomes drier and rough. Skin cancers show up at a rate of one out of every three persons. Neglect and abuse shows up as we approach midlife.

All this could have been avoided if we had only started to care for it during our childhood. You may not be able to reverse this process but you can ease the damage naturally and without surgery. You will however have to change some things from the inside such as proper nutrition, supplemental vitamins and exercise. From the outside you will need to change most of the cosmetics that you are presently using.

In my next post, I will go into more detail and how I overcame an acute problem with acne, and how I was able to rid myself of this ugly problem using natural methods. I will also cover subjects like skin cancer and repairing skin damage.

So to keep these posts short I must ask you to follow me on this subject in my next posting.

Thank you
Talk soon

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