Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Skin Care

There are some types of pollution you just cannot avoid if you live and work in the city, drive on a freeway, and work in a closed central airconditioned building. There are some forms of internal and external pollution that can and should be avoided if you want your skin to stay young. Such things as drug use, cigarette smoke alcohol abuse, stress inadequate diet, various forms of environmental toxins, and certain medications like antibiotics are all affecting the aging of your skin.
Cigarette smokers develop severe premature wrinkling, crepeyness and bags and dark circles under the eyes. Smoking is second only to sunlight as an aging factor. It depletes the body of vitamins A E C and B and minerals calcium, potassium and zinc. One cigarette uses up to 25 milligrams of vitamin C. Read my article on "quit smoking" to find an easy way to give up the habit.
Alcohol abuse affects the function of the body in many ways especially the liver. When the liver is not functioning adequately it shows up as a reddening on the face and a sallow dead appearance,and is caused by the dilation of the blood vessels. The nose and cheeks become enlarged.
If you have an inadequate diet or you indulge in crash dieting you will have vitamin deficient skin. Some diets can cause serious harm to the skin as they are nutrient deprived. Some diets consist only of fruits, lack protein and fats. The skin can become dehydrated, flaky or sallow and can cause serious health problems.
Every week in the fashion magazines there is a new breakthrough in skin care. Major cosmetic companies quote from the heads of research and development their new lines of products that revolutionize your skin care. They are promoting cosmetics that have added oxygen, vitamins or provitamins and all kinds of fruits added. We could go on with all the 'new' information and additives that are being added to face creams and pay huge amounts of money to obtain the latest night cream that will oxygenerate the skin, but there is no end to the sales pitch. The best of all is simply a good exercise program and get a massage.
As new skin care products making claims as anti-aging potions are marketed, you the consumer, must be aware of what these products can and cannot do. The cosmetic industry is a self-regulating industry and as such there is no standards of quality or efficacy set for cosmetics. The FDA regulates the drug industry but can only warn major cosmetic firms regarding the use of advertising terms used in their sales literature.

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