Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Quantum Reading


You have probably all heard of 'speed reading' whereby you read a book but learning to skip the small words etc and get through the passage and understand what is written much more quickly. Well last week I was introduced to a method known as "quantum reading". This was demonstrated by a lady by the name of Ioho de Beer.She conducts classes over a full weekend teaching students how to read a full sized book of 200 plus pages in an hour.
I was sceptical of the ability to do this until I had a chance to talk to a past student who said he felt the same as what I was feeling, until half way thru the weekend the penny dropped.
During the evening presentation we were given an exercise to perform that showed us the power of the mind.We were given a dictionary where words were on both sides of the page,ie in two columns and we were instructed to turn the pages at a 'one after the other rate', (know what I mean?) and after 60 seconds we were instructed to stop and note where we were ( my last page was F for foreign....), Close the book and now chose a word between A and F. I chose BACK. Now we were asked to picture where on the page would you find that word. Mine was to be found at the top left, on the right hand page. Now open the book to find the word. Yes! it was exactly where we had pictured our word to be and yet we could not have known this as the speed at which we had turned the pages was too fast. This demonstrated that we do not need to see the words to read.
Anyway my wife and I are booked in to do the course as we both felt that we could achieve a great deal from this reading method.
If you are interested in knowing more about this here is the details...
The Quantum Reading Institute
174 Garden St. Nth Narrabean NSW 2101
Ph 02 99448887

David Waden ...You need to mention that you attended .Success&You to get the discounted price.

So we are going to do this here in Brisbane in Feb 2010 and they will teach us to read 12 books in a day. I will write an article here about that after I have attended the course.

While I am in a writing mood I will continue in the next post about another subject.

Talk soon.

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