Monday, May 25, 2009


Hi all,
Last night I was invited to a presentation that realy 'touched my heart'
I didn't know much about the speaker or his subject prior to attending and I was pleasantly surprised.
Paul Dunn, the wizard of WOW, is leading a charge in a brand new marketing revolution where companies don't just dramatically lift performance; they make a difference to the world in which we live. Through the power of what Paul calls 'transaction-based giving, companies create so much more buzz! And they get customers and the media talking about them in astounding ways.Paul is one of the founders of Buy1Give1, the home of the most impactful giving process in the world.
I encourage any small (or large) business to look at his program and incorporate it in their business. I most definately will.
So go and look at the website and find out more.

talk soon

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