Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Stop Smoking

Hi all,

I would like to mention now how I was able to give up smoking so easily.

If you were(or still are) a smoker then you you will understand how difficult it is to give it up.
I had been smoking since I was 16 years old and some 30 odd years of inhaling the poisons into my system was going to be a tuff ask.
See when you smoke, your body does not absorb the vitamins and minerals that are in the food that you eat and so understanding this you need to get yourself 'pumped-up' on what the body is lacking. At this point I was intruduced to a daily dose of vitamins and minerals of the best quality available. Jennifer ( my wife) had said to me ..."I'm not going to spend this money on these vitamins if you are going to continue to poison yourself with smoking"
As I was determined to give it up (and have a happy wife) then I had to live by her rules (for once). At the same time I went to the Pharmacy and purchased the Nicotine patches.I wasn't asked about what strength I wanted and off I went home and that night put on the first patch.
Within 2 hopurs I had a raging temperature and couldn't settle to sleep. I ripped off the patch and next morning I realised that the patch was putting into my body similar quantities of nicotine as if I had been smoking all night.
That convinced me..........No more smoking!!
From that day forward I did not experience ANY withdrawal symptoms at all!!
This amazed both me and Jennifer.

To this day I am forever greatful for my friend Charles, encouraging me to become involved with a Health & Wellness company.
And If you are wanting to give up the habit take a lesson from my story.

Talk soon
Frank W

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