Monday, June 29, 2009

Mind, Body and Spirit

Hi All,

How often have you heard someone say "If only I knew this when I was younger"?
I am excited because as I am approaching my 60th birthday, I have more energy, intelligence, health and all the accumulated knowledge of the past 50 plus years.
Think of all the things you have learnt in your lifetime, and can you imagine learning just as much again in the next 20-40years?

I believe learning has everything to do with staying young in mind body and spirit.Once we become stagnant or inactive, we begin the decline commonly known as 'old age' or 'aging'. You often retirees saying "I have never been busier or busier in my life than now" Their life now is not regimented to working 9 to 5 and they take on a new life of learning. They often write books, operate websites,teach classes, travel and are models for successful living.

These are the things you can adapt into your life, they art easy and simple.
I will talk about these things in my future posts and I will be incorporating them into my website where I will show you how to stay young in mind, body and spirit.

Talk soon

Monday, June 22, 2009


I was reading something that I think is of value to you, I know it was value for me.

In every project I have done, I realise that failure is part of winning and sometimes when we fail we look down on ourselves.
The author said that it is easy to lose faith because other people may withdraw their support or criticise your efforts and this can tempt you to turn on yourself and your efforts to succeed. This is the critical point in the process- Don't give up - failure belongs here.
See the people who don't fail aren't trying anything. So if you fail don't feel bad, If someone criticises you, just reject it - they don't know what you know and where you are going, and do you know something....You don't need them to get there! You need your own faith in yourself.
Re-evaluate your goal and say to yourself....I'm going to get there... And don't let the fact that you have failed get in your way.
I have failed many times and I am still going forward in leaps and bounds....

Talk soon

We have infinite potential

Hi all,

You know something.... We have infinite potential. No one can measure what you and I can do. We have intellect and we live in a physical body. We are also spiritual. But lets talk about the first two.

Between the intellect and the physical there is the emotions.
What is in control or who is in control of your emotions? Is your intellect controlling your emotions OR is the outside world controlling them? Good Question!

You see.... If your intellect is not in control of your emotions and the outside world is in control you are not in control of yourself, your'e not in control of the results you are getting and this is the way most people live. Not being in control!!

We have to wake up and say " I am in control of my emotions and I am going to take control of my world and take control of results that I want to achieve".

I want you to ask yourself.....
Am I in control of my emotions or is the TV?
Am I in control of my emotions or is the NEWSPAPER?
Am I in control of my economy or is the MEDIA getting to me?

We have to ask ourselves those questions.
Ask " who is incontrol of ME?

Talk soon
Frank W.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Your Right to be Rich.

Success in life is becomming what you want to be. And you can become what you want to be by making use of things. You can have the free use of things only if you become rich enough to buy them. Therefore an understanding of the laws of the universe and the science of getting rich is the essential of all knowledge.

You know that I am right and unfortunately this is a subject that is not taught in schools. We are not taught how to earn money. We are not taught how to be rich. Why is that? And infact most people become offencive when you talk about it. Why do people do that? Probably because they don't realy understand it.

You know most people just say they want to do good, well without money how can you do good? you can give of your time, but if you could become rich you can do so much more.
If you contact me I will send you a copy of a book titled ' Think and Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill free of charge (just pay the postage or pass it on) and you will learn how to become rich.

I saw a program on television some time ago about a young lady from country New South Wales who went to Africa and fell in love. She fell in love with the people and she has done GOOD. She has built a school for over 850 poor children. ( its probably 1000 now) Her name is Gemma Sisia. Her school is called 'School of St Jude' in Tanzania in East Africa. She is doing good but she needs money to follow through with her good work.

Her motto is ....Fighting Poverty Through Education.....
Check out her story at....

I would like you to spend the next 4 or 5 minutes thinking about how you can become rich and do good!

Talk soon

Friday, June 12, 2009

A Lone Pine

Recently I read an article in the local paper that disturbed me.
An RSL club had planted a tree grown from a seed gathered from 'The Lone Pine' and the tree was doing quite well reaching for the sky. It was about 3 metres tall.
Then some low life of a person thought it fun to cut it down at the ground. What made this person do that we will probably never understand.
However this does have a twist to it.

A school heard of the disappointment of the club members and they had also been caring for a tree from the same rootstock and decided to donate their tree to replace the RSL's loss. This showed the comunity the spirit these children have to the rememberance of the ANZACs. It brought tears to my eyes to read of the generosity of those young people understanding the loss of RSL club members.

I salute them.

Talk soon

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

World fear

Recently we had dinner with friends at a pleasant club.
The discussion at the table came around to a question from one person, (we will call him Bob)
"...Jennifer, in your profession you would come across a number of unhealthy people who could give you the flu, Does that scare you?'
This then led to the subject at the height of the news at the moment about the 'swine flu'.
What is the swine flu?.... What is the Bird flu?... What is the Hong Kong flu?......What is the common flu? I must ask you a question here.........Is there any difference? Oh yes there is probably some difference between the different types but we seem to have the same thing happen each year, A different strain of flu that the authorities warn us to take extra care, cover our mouths with a mask, don't do this or that etc.
My personal feeling on the subject is......
Each year the authorities come out with a new 'fear' that we need to be concerned about and take certain precautions about like ....Go to your Doctor, Get the vacine, and generally be fearful of .......
Just think back to other fears that the media has talked us up to:
the y2k bug.
Oil crisis.
Rat plaque.
Hong Kong flu.
Bird flu.
Swine flu.
Makes you think doesn't it?
What other fears has the media and authorities instilled into our minds over the years.

Point to remember...........People die each year by the hundreds of the COMMON flu!
Is this time any different?

To answer my friend at the club, my wife stated some of the above facts and all he could say was.......mmmmmmm!!
I replied by saying "you drive your car on the roads every day without realy thinking that you could be one of the hundreds of people killed each year from car accidents....are you going to change things because of the 'fear' of driving?


Talk Soon