Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Vitamin B17

Hi All,
As I have stated before, I have been researching health issues and in particular Cancer. This led me to a little known area as Vitamin B17or known as Laetrile.

I have read a number of books and also listened to reports on Youtube.
Here are some that I suggest you watch.


A review from G E Griffin's book "A World Without Cancer" is as follows...
Mr. Griffin marshals the evidence that cancer is a deficiency disease—like scurvy or pellagra—aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in modern man’s diet. That substance is vitamin B17. In its purified form developed for cancer therapy, it is known as Laetrile. This story is not approved by orthodox medicine. The FDA, the AMA, and The American Cancer Society have labeled it fraud and quackery. Yet the evidence is clear that here, at last, is the final answer to the cancer riddle. Why has orthodox medicine waged war against this non drug approach? The author contends that the answer is to be found, not in science, but in politics—and is based upon the hidden economic and power agenda of those who dominate the medical establishment. This is is the most complete and authoritative treatise available on this topic. 368-page book.
If you wish to get a copy of this book go to.... www.hiranks.com

This last one is some testimonials
and more......


talk soon

Quantum Reading


You have probably all heard of 'speed reading' whereby you read a book but learning to skip the small words etc and get through the passage and understand what is written much more quickly. Well last week I was introduced to a method known as "quantum reading". This was demonstrated by a lady by the name of Ioho de Beer.She conducts classes over a full weekend teaching students how to read a full sized book of 200 plus pages in an hour.
I was sceptical of the ability to do this until I had a chance to talk to a past student who said he felt the same as what I was feeling, until half way thru the weekend the penny dropped.
During the evening presentation we were given an exercise to perform that showed us the power of the mind.We were given a dictionary where words were on both sides of the page,ie in two columns and we were instructed to turn the pages at a 'one after the other rate', (know what I mean?) and after 60 seconds we were instructed to stop and note where we were ( my last page was F for foreign....), Close the book and now chose a word between A and F. I chose BACK. Now we were asked to picture where on the page would you find that word. Mine was to be found at the top left, on the right hand page. Now open the book to find the word. Yes! it was exactly where we had pictured our word to be and yet we could not have known this as the speed at which we had turned the pages was too fast. This demonstrated that we do not need to see the words to read.
Anyway my wife and I are booked in to do the course as we both felt that we could achieve a great deal from this reading method.
If you are interested in knowing more about this here is the details...
The Quantum Reading Institute
174 Garden St. Nth Narrabean NSW 2101
Ph 02 99448887

David Waden ...You need to mention that you attended .Success&You to get the discounted price.

So we are going to do this here in Brisbane in Feb 2010 and they will teach us to read 12 books in a day. I will write an article here about that after I have attended the course.

While I am in a writing mood I will continue in the next post about another subject.

Talk soon.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Quote of the week.


A well known person, Eleanor Roosevelt, once said....

" We gain strength,and courage and confidence by each experience in which we really stop fear in the face....we must do that which we think we cannot".

We must do that which we think we cannot.
That's just beautiful!!

Talk soon.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hi All,
Recently I read a book written by a Japanese/American Doctor by the name of Hiromi Shinya, titled "The Enzyme Factor", How to live long and never be sick. It is an amazing book and an amazing concept. He is 73 years old and says that he has not been sick since he was 19.
After reading his book we have decided that we would follow his guidelines for better health. It is not difficult to change a few things in the way you live and eat to live a healthier life.
If I can quote a paragraph from the book that somewhat sums it all up....
The human body consists of a very intricate system, delicately balanced. That system also functions inside each of the apptoximately 60 million cells that make up the human body. If you are serious about your health , think about your body starting at the cellular level.
Our cells are always being replaced by new cells. Cells in some areas of the body are completely replaced by new ones in several days, while in other areas the process can take as long as several years. Eventually, they all get replaced. These new cells are made from the water and food that we consume on a daily basis. Based on this, we can say that the quality of food and water we consume determines our health.

This is the reason why we have taken the steps to improve our health. We have taken the following from our every day food..... things like all dairy products, meat, tea and coffee and added such things as fresh fruit and vegetables and lots of clean water.

If you wish to know more about our healthy lifestyle just call me and I will give some added details.

Talk soon
Frank W

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My web sites

Hi all,
Over the last weeks I have been very busy posting info on my websites.
These sites are designed to generate a good cash flow for us and I will show yo u some of these. We have a total of 46 so far and am building more as time goes on.
Check some out here.
and many more.

I look forward to some of your comments.

talk soon

Skin Care

There are some types of pollution you just cannot avoid if you live and work in the city, drive on a freeway, and work in a closed central airconditioned building. There are some forms of internal and external pollution that can and should be avoided if you want your skin to stay young. Such things as drug use, cigarette smoke alcohol abuse, stress inadequate diet, various forms of environmental toxins, and certain medications like antibiotics are all affecting the aging of your skin.
Cigarette smokers develop severe premature wrinkling, crepeyness and bags and dark circles under the eyes. Smoking is second only to sunlight as an aging factor. It depletes the body of vitamins A E C and B and minerals calcium, potassium and zinc. One cigarette uses up to 25 milligrams of vitamin C. Read my article on "quit smoking" to find an easy way to give up the habit.
Alcohol abuse affects the function of the body in many ways especially the liver. When the liver is not functioning adequately it shows up as a reddening on the face and a sallow dead appearance,and is caused by the dilation of the blood vessels. The nose and cheeks become enlarged.
If you have an inadequate diet or you indulge in crash dieting you will have vitamin deficient skin. Some diets can cause serious harm to the skin as they are nutrient deprived. Some diets consist only of fruits, lack protein and fats. The skin can become dehydrated, flaky or sallow and can cause serious health problems.
Every week in the fashion magazines there is a new breakthrough in skin care. Major cosmetic companies quote from the heads of research and development their new lines of products that revolutionize your skin care. They are promoting cosmetics that have added oxygen, vitamins or provitamins and all kinds of fruits added. We could go on with all the 'new' information and additives that are being added to face creams and pay huge amounts of money to obtain the latest night cream that will oxygenerate the skin, but there is no end to the sales pitch. The best of all is simply a good exercise program and get a massage.
As new skin care products making claims as anti-aging potions are marketed, you the consumer, must be aware of what these products can and cannot do. The cosmetic industry is a self-regulating industry and as such there is no standards of quality or efficacy set for cosmetics. The FDA regulates the drug industry but can only warn major cosmetic firms regarding the use of advertising terms used in their sales literature.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Your skin.

Our skin covers an area of about 21 square feet and weighs about 9 pounds.
It is not only a wrapping, but performs many duties vital to the body. It protects against bacteria, regulates temperature, absorbs oxygen required for new cells, blood and plasma.It also gives us a sense of touch through nerve endings, releases toxins 24/7 through sweat glands, and produces the body's natural moisture - selium. We cannot do without the skin.

It will, to a point, take care of itself. We do, however, abuse and neglect it. We generally don't start to care for it until it gives us trouble. During our teens and twenties, we take our skin for granted, it is often cut, burnt,scraped and will efficiently heal itself.

Then after 30, the signs of aging begin to appear. Fine lines appear around the eyes and then becomes drier and rough. Skin cancers show up at a rate of one out of every three persons. Neglect and abuse shows up as we approach midlife.

All this could have been avoided if we had only started to care for it during our childhood. You may not be able to reverse this process but you can ease the damage naturally and without surgery. You will however have to change some things from the inside such as proper nutrition, supplemental vitamins and exercise. From the outside you will need to change most of the cosmetics that you are presently using.

In my next post, I will go into more detail and how I overcame an acute problem with acne, and how I was able to rid myself of this ugly problem using natural methods. I will also cover subjects like skin cancer and repairing skin damage.

So to keep these posts short I must ask you to follow me on this subject in my next posting.

Thank you
Talk soon