Friday, July 24, 2009

Your skin.

Our skin covers an area of about 21 square feet and weighs about 9 pounds.
It is not only a wrapping, but performs many duties vital to the body. It protects against bacteria, regulates temperature, absorbs oxygen required for new cells, blood and plasma.It also gives us a sense of touch through nerve endings, releases toxins 24/7 through sweat glands, and produces the body's natural moisture - selium. We cannot do without the skin.

It will, to a point, take care of itself. We do, however, abuse and neglect it. We generally don't start to care for it until it gives us trouble. During our teens and twenties, we take our skin for granted, it is often cut, burnt,scraped and will efficiently heal itself.

Then after 30, the signs of aging begin to appear. Fine lines appear around the eyes and then becomes drier and rough. Skin cancers show up at a rate of one out of every three persons. Neglect and abuse shows up as we approach midlife.

All this could have been avoided if we had only started to care for it during our childhood. You may not be able to reverse this process but you can ease the damage naturally and without surgery. You will however have to change some things from the inside such as proper nutrition, supplemental vitamins and exercise. From the outside you will need to change most of the cosmetics that you are presently using.

In my next post, I will go into more detail and how I overcame an acute problem with acne, and how I was able to rid myself of this ugly problem using natural methods. I will also cover subjects like skin cancer and repairing skin damage.

So to keep these posts short I must ask you to follow me on this subject in my next posting.

Thank you
Talk soon

A short message

Hi All,
Recently, my wife and I, attended a short meditation with a home group.
A quote from that session made me think and I hope it makes you think.

"What will you do when you know you cannot fail?"

I'm not going to answer that for you, as you know the answer already.

Talk soon,

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Eat less meat

I have no intention of becoming a vegetarian, however my wife and I have been researching our health now for some years and we are changing the way we eat. As you are probably aware "it is what we eat that determines our health and our ability to ward off disease" With this in mind we would not put used dirty oil in our brand new car for it' 10,000klm service , so why feed our body junk.
In the last few years I have put on a gradual amount of weight. Don't get me wrong..I'm not obese and Jennifer loves me being cuddly...but I do know that I need to trim it a little. I have gone from an active job working 8-10 hours a day to sitting behind a desk and computer. So this has not helped my 'spread' We walk daily for at least 40 minutes, but still I need to control my weight.

The answer has to be in what we eat.
My research tells me that I must consume more plant-based foods and fewer meat- based ones.But I love my meat! My typical day would be a cereal with milk for breakfast, sweat biscuits or cake for mid-morning, a good hearty lunch, usually deep fried, from a snack bar.During the course of the day I would drink a large amount of flavoured milk with probably a scary amount of sugar added. The evening meal was based around 2 or 3 vegetables with a good sized portion of meat like steak or chicken. Rarely would I have fish. And to top this all off....3 glasses of good red wine.

Whilst looking at my diet and health in general I have discovered some facts that I would like to share with you here.
  • There are 10 animals raised for food every year for each person on this planet. That's 60 billion.
  • By 2050that consumption will increase to 120 billion.
  • To grow grain for food, you expend 9.2kj of energy to yield only 4.2kj of protein. however if you process that grain for animal feed, and add to that the animal's other requirements- land use, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, machinery, transport, antibiotics and last but not least water- you're responsible for 167kj of energy to get that same 4.2kj of protein.
Make you think, Doesn't it.
We are going around this in reverse.

But back to my change in eating habits.
Meat is not a part of our evening meal anymore.
I have seen an improvement in my health because of it and I am losing weight.
We are eating more plant-based foods and loving it.
We may eat meat at our weekly restaurant outing but that's all, So we are not strict-vegetarian.

I trust this has given you something to think about.

Till next time
Talk soon


Colds and Sore Throats


Recently I visited a friend who informed me that she had a cold and a sore throat.She was sucking on a medicated throat lozenger and before too long she took another one from her pocket. This spiked my interest and I suggested an alternative. She did not recall of my 'interest' in alternative health but I have mentioned to her in the past that we (my wife and I) were researching alternative health and taking a more active role in our health care.

I gave here my health tip for sore throats and colds.
You are probably wondering what it is ....aren't you?
Well it is quite simple really. Some of you will have it in your kitchen however If not I suggest you get some of this magic formula next time you are grocery shopping.

It is .....yes wait for it......coarse grains of sea salt.
You simply suck on a small quantity of the grains 3 or so times in a day, till all signs of the sore throat or cold have disappeared. Simple hey! Don't swallow the grains, suck on them till these dissolve.
And if you get leg cramps ...Do the same.

Stay away from medications as they have a detrimental effect on our overall health.

In future articles I will talk about other health issues.
I look forward to your comments.

Talk soon